Sacrament of the Sick is celebrated at St. Joseph at Sunday Masses during Advent and Lent and by request for the faithful who are seriously ill and/or about to have major surgery. If one would like to receive the sacrament of the sick or be anointed prior to an operation, please contact the parish office or the pastor. Also, please let the parish office know if you are going to the hospital so the pastoral ministry staff can respond. For those who are homebound, visits by the priest, deacon or pastoral minister are made at the person's request. Please contact Fr. Richard (918-687-1351) or Deacon Ed (918-683-2966). For homebound or nursing homes contact Mildred Colbert at 918-682-5698.
Fr. Richard, Deacon Ed and lay ministers regularly visit St. Francis, Muskogee, local nursing homes and when possible Tulsa area hospitals. Fr. Richard is an official chaplain at Jack Montgomery Veterans Administration Hospital.